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Worry Wart sprouts some new seeds

Last night Seed and Sprout Nutrition hosted a beautiful heart centred healing circle. The rose pettle path way led everyone into the room often used for yoga at New Standard Yoga in Caloundra. The yoga mats all faced inwards to a woven circular mat decorated with green vine, flowers and delicate ambient lights. The fragrant candles gave off an aroma of salted caramel and other sweet delicacies. We sipped lemon balm tea (known for increasing GABA) and nibbled on delicate pieces of 70% dark cacao chocolate (high in magnesium).

We started the evening off with ART THERAPY. We were asked to draw what Worry felt like or what we saw as worry with coloured crayons. So under some soft music each woman drew and coloured and drew and coloured some more. We went around the circle and spoke about what our picture meant personally and each woman's worry was different but i could see a little piece of myself in each woman. We are all mirrors to one another.

Each of us all had a session with Lynsey's mum with heart math therapy.

I liked the science and fact part of the evening with Lynsey Koch, Qualified Nutritionist talked about Worry being categorised into three main groups based on the 'biopsychosocial model':

  1. Biological causes (adaptive responses to fear, genetic traits, neurotransmitter imbalances);

  2. Psychological causes (refer to our thoughts, beliefs and perceptions about our experiences, our environment and ourselves); and

  3. Environmental or social causes.

These thought patterns (which using NLP i can pattern interrupt) affect our sense over our environment and influence how we assess and interpret events as threatening or non-threatening. Post traumas have a big role to play.

I was really intrigued to learn that my Worry may have been genetically passed down to me. The Worry Gene SNP includes:

SLC6A4 (Serotonin transporter) amongst others and if you are interested in the science i can give you Lynsey's details.

Worry and the Body

The brain and the nervous system is the central command centre. It co-ordinates and dictates the actions of the other systems. When the brain initiates a command it is like watching dominos fall, when you knock one down, it starts a cascading effect. Noting the difference between fear and worry is that fear is a reaction to danger presently detected in the environment, while anxiety refers to the anticipation of some potential threat that may or may not happen in the future. The body doesnt know the difference...... this is where it gets interesting

The Limbic system is mainly responsible for intiating the chemical messenger chain or domino that informs the rest of the body 'DANGER-DANGER!'. Both fear and anxiety are emotions. The Limbic system represents the emotional system of the brain.

The Hippocampus is extremely important with respect to Worry. It serves to cotrol the automatic nervous system and several types of chemical messengers including hormones and neurotransmitters. When our body senses a threat the Amygdala via the hypothalamus sends a message to the automatic nervous system to prepare for action (fight or flight) known as the (SNS) or sympathetic nervous system. The hippocampus is responsible for memory functions. During anxious arousal the hippocampus is activated. The hippocampus suggests previous experiences, and memories of those experiences. From a survival perspective going back to cave man days being chased by a tiger didnt result in a pleasant experience and this is a helpful memory to have. The Amygdala is responsible for regulating emotions such as fear.

The SNS has an ALL OR NONE RESPONSE. It doesnt know if you are being chased by a bear or you are anticipating a threat or worry. Once it activates the adrenal glands release chemicals Cortisol, adrenaline and noradrenaline. These chemicals are the bodys fuel they rev up the engine and often produce the unpleasant physical systems experienced in extreme worry.

Natural therapies and self leadership:

NLP Coaching with Jacq -

Peter Crone

Cognitive behavioural therapy

Thermogenic Therapy (Hot sauna/cold pool)

Guided Meditation and Mindfullness

Breath Work

Balanced wholefood nutrition (foods with nutrients Magnesium, Zinc, B6,B12, Omega 3s, Choline, Selenium, Iron, Vitamin D, and antioxidants)

Gratitude - being thankful about everything you have and are grateful for

Do you worry that you have less years in front of you than behind you?

Do you hear white noise?

Unable to switch off? Suffer from an overthinking brain?

Trouble sleeping?

Struggle with boundaries?

Feel knots in the stomach?

Overly proactive and efficient to the detriment of you and your family?

Juggling kids, clients and work but not doing a good job at any?

Mind chatter and negative self talk

Trying to hard to compete with others?

Stuck in the past where something tragic has happened? Past trauma?

First we uncover your worry pain points and triggers and help you understand worry

Then it takes radical honesty - facing a hard truth and no longer burying things under the rug

Looking at your family time - specifically early childhood years - what happened between 0-7 years when you were making up your view of the world?

Self leadership - what is in your toolkit to get you through?

Spirituality - knowing you are not alone that you are connected to nature and something that is much bigger than yourself

Health and wellbeing -see above

Emotions - identify them and work through the feelings which can be difficult but also very rewarding

Healing the feminine and masculine within - like our body and brain we have two sides a left and a right and a yin and a yang. We need to keep both in check and balance.

Attachment - aiming to not be too consumed with the outcome or the result and be more present in the now moment

Perception/perspective -when in worry its a very personal thing and you can also get very one sided or one track thinking so its important to maintain perspective and see things from a different view

Finding your joy and passion - perhaps you are feeling stuck and you have forgotten what brings you joy? I suggest going back to childhood. If you look at a child they find joy in the simplest of things. Sing, dance, be creative

Ultimately the end result is FREEDOM - freedom within ourselves and externally! That is where the real magic begins.

For more connection reach out to me at or email me

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