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Hey Worry Wart - Declutter your thoughts and things



To be radically honest with yourself is the key to keeping a clean mind and clean surroundings. If your mental state is foggy with worry and anxious feelings it is harder to see that clear path forward if your house is a mess.

If your space is a mess it is more than likely a reflection of what is happening on the inside.

So take some time to clear your physical space. Aim to keep your thoughts in order – file the family with the family, work with work, kids sport with kids sport, past with the past and the future with the future.

What is a NOW thing and what is my NOW space looking like – nice and tidy and clean.


Recently I had a stylist come and clean out and style my wardrobe. It was such a cathartic and liberating experience. Your wardrobe is a reflection of how you see yourself and also if you have other things like I did in my wardrobe that are not clothes related it can really make it tough to put an outfit together that expresses your true authentic style and nature.


Spring clean and put away any clutter out of visual eye stimulation as this will make your mind go into overwhelm. When you make space the universe can bring things in.

The space around you needs to be clear because it is a reflection of your mind. A cluttered and busy mind will reflect with a messy and cluttered home. Take time to make your home and workplace a place where you can see space and that it is decorated nicely. Make sure you regularly declutter your wardrobes and garages so that you always have what you need.

It clears space for the universe to deliver to you what you need for the future.

Did you hear that i have written a Number 1 Best Selling Book called Worry - A Worry Wart's Guide to Self Mastery?

To get to know more about me and my services head to

Free Meditations and book your free discovery session with me now where we look at where you are at now and where you want to be and all the bits in between

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