Workshop Worry - A Worry Warts Guide
4 hr workshop
Service Description
WORRY A Worry Warts Guide to Self Mastery Join Jacqueline Delarue the author of the Number 1 Best Seller WORRY. · Uncover your Worry pain points and triggers · Understand Worry · Discover how we clear Worry and Anxiety · Learn tips and tricks to help you clear your mind from Worry This is for self diagnosed Worry Warts who are stuck in a low frequency, inaction, and unable to see the way forward. You are a Worry Warts if you are: · Concerned that you have less years in front of you than behind you · Hear ‘white noise’ · Unable to switch off · Suffer from overthinking · Have trouble sleeping · Struggle with boundaries · Feel knots in the stomach · Overly pro-active and efficient to the detriment of you and your family · Juggling kids, clients and work, but not doing a very good job at any of it · Having a lot of mind chatter and negative self-talk · Tyring too hard to keep up with the ‘Joneses’ · Stuck in the past where something ‘tragic’ has happened in your life and you just can’t quite move forward Jac wants to take you from Worry Wart to knowing exactly your direction to achieve the freedom and financial abundance you deserve. Come and let’s worry about the future together and while you are worrying, this session might just be the catalyst you need to make a change.

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Contact Details
0404 475 306